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Some new poems by Caroline Maxx, a dear friend from Belgium

Thank you for letting me use them - and describing what PD means to you (us) :) Caroline coördinates all the fundraising "actions" in Belgium.

Home... Alone... Tonight...

Just me and doggy... Trembling... Feeling foggy...

No one... No other... Just us... Everyone says... But never does...

Until the day... They remember I was... Always there... Back in the past...

Someone... Anyone... No one... Cares...

Caroline Maxx 11/09/2017

(Written when husband was on a fishing trip - feeling lonely)

L-eaving or staying? O-nly me! N-o one E-lse... L-iving I-ntensely... N-othing E-ven S-eems S-afe

A-nymore... N-owhere to go? D-oors close before they are opened...

H-ow come I feel so O-ld L-iving D-ay after day with PD... I am still young Not in feeling - but in Gentle age...

O-h where did my youth go? N-owhere / somewhere / anywhere..?!

Caroline Maxx 27/10/2017

(Written when Mr. Parkinson's was acting up - feeling frustrated)

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