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My Dragon My Story My Life

Some personal information :-)
Hi there !
Welcome to My Dragon ; My Story ; My Life!
Who? I am a woman from Belgium, that was (recently) diagnosed with PD and decided to write down my story.
Why? To raise awareness and funds towards research.
What? The story is about My Dragon, that I have met as a child and keeps on interfering with my life. The struggles, but also the good times. Fantasy.
When? 1983 - ...​
How? This blog accompanies the story (which you can order online). Funds go entirely to Run For Parkinson 2018.
More info: E-Mail me by using the contact form.​
~Cornelia Baayden~
TOP 10
Stories I'm kinda in love with ;-)
The Dark Tower (1-8)
I am currently reading the books of Stephen King (Dutch). The adventures of Roland, Eddie, Susannah and Jake in a parallel fantasy world.
The Phantom Of The Opera
The original story 'Le fantôme de l'Opéra' by Gaston Leroux has been one of my favorite (love & horror) stories since I was a little child. Of course the play by Andrew Lloyd Webber has awoken my imagination...
The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's best known work : Le Petit Prince. I love the story, especially all the wisdom that we can teach childres (young adults) through the book.
The Lord of the Rings
I read Tolkien's books when I was only 16 years old. I like them more than the movie...!
The Little Mermaid
Like a lot of girls of my age - I'm in love with the story of Ariël and her prince Eric. Longing to be with your loved one - but not being able to. Trying to get to him no matter what : that's true love!
Harry Potter
Like a lot of people, I read the books of J.K Rowling when I was a little bit older. No child anymore - but not an adult either. I love Harry's world with all the beautiful mystery surrounding it.
Alone in the world
Hector Malot wrote the story about a young boy, that is raised by different people... He feels all alone, and is looking for a (his) family.
The Friendly Giant, created by Roald Dahl, has been a story that both frightened me (as a child) and has triggered my imagination. The fantasy world - world of dreams & sleep - created in a fantastic way.
The Secret Garden
Francess Burnett creates a secret world, where the main character (Mary Lennox) may escape from reality. After the death of her parents at an early age, she moves to a different village, where she will eventually find adventure and even love.
There is always room for more...!
Suggestions are welcome!
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